Meta, Chiara
Riflessioni su Gramsci e Dewey
in La passione educativa di Antonio Gramsci,
maggio 2019, pp. 21 - 25
Educazione Per Adulti
Holst, John D.
in Adult Education Research Conference,
Educazione Per Adulti
English, Leona M.
in European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults,
Linköping University Electronic Press, April, 2012, pp. 11 - 27
Stato; Neoliberalismo; Globalizzazione; Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Peter
Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi, 2011
Freire, Paulo; Educazione Per Adulti; Bibliografia Educazione
Brookfield, Stephen - Holst, John D.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010
Educazione Per Adulti
Holst, John D.
in Educational Philosophy and Theory,
October, 2009, pp. 622 - 639
Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Peter
in Educational Philosophy and Theory,
2008, pp. 418 - 435
Educazione (Pedagogia); Educazione Per Adulti; Filosofia della praxis
Schettini, Bruno
La formazione degli adulti come "guerra di posizione" per la trasformazione
in Gramsci e la formazione dell'uomo. A cura di S. Salmeri, S. R. Pignato,
pp. 15 - 28
Educazione Per Adulti
Pignato, Salvatore Rosario
in Gramsci e la formazione dell'uomo. A cura di S. Salmeri, S. R. Pignato,
pp. 61 - 80
Educazione Per Adulti
Stefanini, Deborah Maria
in Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas,
Campinas: November, 2007, pp. 39 - 44
Educazione Per Adulti; Lavoro
Mayo, Peter
Edited by Thomas Clayton
in Rethinking Hegemony. Edited by Thomas Clayton,
Albert Park, Vic.: James Nicholas, 2006
Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Peter
in Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies,
October, 2005
Educazione Per Adulti
Lauri-Lucente, Gloria
in Journal of Mediterranean Studies,
Malta: 2005, pp. 167 - 176
Educazione Per Adulti
Allman, Paula
in Gramsci and Education. Culture and Politics Series. Edited by Carmel Borg, Joseph Buttigieg, and Peter Mayo,
Lanham and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, pp. 201 - 218
Educazione Per Adulti
Coben, Diana C.
in Gramsci and Education. Culture and Politics Series. Edited by Carmel Borg, Joseph Buttigieg, and Peter Mayo,
Lanham and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, pp. 263 - 290
Educazione Per Adulti
Holst, John D.
Forward by Peter McLaren.
Westport, Conn: Bergin & Garvey, Conn: Bergin & Garvey, 2002
Educazione Per Adulti; Società Civile; Egemonia Workers
Coben, Diana
Políticas en educación de adultos
Buenos Aires: Miño y Davila, 2001, 279
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Holst, John D.
Ed.D. Dissertation.
Chicago: Northern Illinois University., 2000, 203 p.
Educazione Per Adulti; Società Civile
Mayo, Peter
Possibilities for a Theory of Transformative Adult Education
in Freirean Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities: Projects for the New Millennium. Edited by Stanley F. Steiner... [et al.].Critical Education Practice. Volume 1417, Garland Reference Library of Social Science,
New York: Falmer Press, 2000
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Austin, Robert
in Latin American Perspectives,
July, 1999, 39-68
Educazione Per Adulti; All'Estero: America Latina
Holst, John D.
in International Journal of Lifelong Education,
September-October, 1999, 407-21
Educazione Per Adulti; Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto
Pruyn, Marc
With a preface by Peter McLaren
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, CO: Westview Press, 1999, xx, 214
Educazione Per Adulti; Foucault, Michel; Freire, Paulo; McLaren, Peter
Coben, Diana
de la educacion para adultos
in Revista Internacional Paideia,
Rosario: November, 1998, pp. 9 - 22
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Coben, Diana
Foreword by Joe L. Kincheloe. Studies in the History of Education, Vol. 6; Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Vol. 1043.
New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc. / Taylor and Francis, 1998, 260
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo; Kincheloe, Joe
Hill, Debbie
in New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning,
May, 1998, 48-55
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo; Egemonia; Neoliberalism; Rivoluzione Passiva
Allman, Paula - Mayo, Peter
Edited by P. Amstrong, N. Miller and M. Zukas.
in Crossing Borders Breaking Boundaries: Research in the education of Adults. Proceedings of the 27th Annual SCUTREA Conference.,
[London]: Birkbeck College, University of London, 1997
Freire, Paulo; Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Marjorie
Leicester, England: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, England: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 1997, 182
Globalizzazione; Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo; Gelpi, Ettore
Mayo, Peter
A Gramscian-Freirean Synthesis and Beyond
in Alberta Journal of Educational Research,
June, 1996, pp. 148 - 160
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo; Globalizzazione
Morgan, John W.
in Convergence,
1996, 61-74
Educazione Per Adulti; Williams, Raymond; Intellettuali
Mayo, Peter
A Review of the English-Language Literature
in International Gramsci Society Newsletter,
April, 1995, pp. 2 - 9
Educazione Per Adulti; Bibliografia Educazione
Allman, Paula - Wallis, John
in International Journal of Lifelong Education,
March-April, 1995, 120-43
Educazione Per Adulti; Rivoluzione
Coben, Diana
in Studies in the Education of Adults,
April, 1995, 36-51
Educazione Per Adulti; Egemonia; Intellettuali; Democrazia
Mayo, Peter
Possibilities for a Theory of Transformative Adult Education
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Toronto: University of Toronto, 1995
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Mayo, Peter
in Adult Education: The Past, the Present, and the Future. Edited by Claudia Danis and Mohamed Hrimech. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 1-3, 1995).,
Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, 1995
Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Peter
Possibilities for a Theory of Radical Adult Education
in International Journal of Lifelong Education,
March-April, 1994, pp. 125 - 148
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Mayo, Peter
in Humanity & Society,
1994, pp. 82 - 98
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo; Donne; Razza
Mulenga, Derek C.
in Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education,
November, 1994, 253-61
Australia; Sviluppo della Comunità; Conferimento Di Poteri; Foucault, Michel; Said, Edward; Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Peter
possibilities for a theory of tranformative adult education
Ph.D. Dissertation.
[S.l.: University of Toronto, 1994, [7], 213 p.
Educazione Per Adulti
Mayo, Peter
in Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education,
1994, pp. 1 - 28
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Brookfield, Stephen
in Studies in the Education of Adults,
1993, 64-91
Educazione Per Adulti
Leonard, Peter
Edited by Peter McLaren and P. Leonard
in Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter.,
New York and London: Routledge, 1993, pp. 155-68
Brasile; Freire, Paulo; Lavoro Sociale; Educazione Per Adulti; Antideterminismo
Coben, Diana Cicely
Ph.D. Dissertation. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kent.
Canterbury UK: 1992
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Ledwith, Margaret A.
The Application of His Theoretical Concepts to Working-Class Adult Education
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Manchester: Victoria University of Manchester, 1990, 260 p.
Egemonia; Intellettuali; Educazione Per Adulti; Inghilterra
Lichtner, Maurizio
Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1990
Educazione Per Adulti
Walters, Shirley
An Analysis of Self-Education Strategies within Certain Community Organisations in Cape Town in the 1980.
Bellville (South Africa): Centre for Adult and Continuing Education, 1989, 315
Sudafrica; Cape Town; Educazione Per Adulti; Illich, Ivan; Freire, Paulo; Studi di caso
Allman, Paula
Edited by Tom Lovett.
in Radical Approaches to Adult Education. A Reader.,
London: Routledge, 1988
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo; Illich, Ivan
Armstrong, Paul F.
in International Journal of Lifelong Education,
1988, 249-59
Ordine Nuovo; Educazione Per Adulti; All'Estero: Usa
Kuenzer, Acacia Zeneida
São Paulo: Cortez Editora, 1988, 166
Educazione Per Adulti
Ireland, Timothy D.
[Manchester]: Centre for Adult and Higher Education, Univ. of Manchester, 1987, ix, 82
Educazione Per Adulti; All'Estero: Brasile
Yougman, Frank
Kent: Croom Helm, 1986, 273
Educazione Per Adulti