Zompetti, Joseph P.

Toward a Gramscian Critical Rhetoric

fa parte di Journal of Communications , 61 , 1 , Winter, 1997 , 66-87
"Although Gramsci's application to the communication discipline has received incomplete consideration, Gramsci can provide an insightful perspective on the cultural dominance of rhetoric and the formation of a critical telos. Under the framework of telos, this paper argues that Gramsci's work can make a valuable contribution to our understanding of critical rhetoric. This analysis demonstrates that Gramscian notions canextend critical rhetoric into an enterprise that permits critical self-reflexivity and praxis and, through a Gramscian commitment to telos, create new opportunities and perspectives for conceptualizing communication."
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Zompetti, Joseph P.
Lingua (e Linguistica)
Language (including Linguistics)