Trentin Silveira , Renê José

Gramsci, educator das camadas populares

is part of Educação em Revista , 37 , Campinas , 2021 , [19 p.]
The aim of this paper is to highlight some of the theoretical aspects of Antonio Gramsci's pedagogical practice in order to contribute to the delineation of his pedagogy. Starting from the analysis of texts written during his youth, some of them not yet published in Brazil, and from the author's letters, we intend to show his radical political commitment to the cultural and critical formation of the popular classes and the ways in which this translated into concrete educational actions. We also try to demonstrate that such commitment was present throughout the author's life, expressed in the several activities he developed: as a journalist, party co-director, founder of schools, elaborator of teaching programs and didactic materials, adult educator, acting in person or at a distance and in different circumstances and spaces, including prison. Obviously, the present work does not exhaust the discussion on the possibility of a Gramscian pedagogy, a topic which, due to its complexity and the vastness of the author's work, remains open.
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Names [author] Trentin Silveira , Renê José