Maltese, Pietro

La pedagogia industrialista di Gramsci. Rileggendo il Q. 22

is part of Educazione. Giornale di Pedagogia Critica , I , 1 , 2012 , pp. 95 - 114
Until the '70s, Americanism and Fordism and the industrialist notes weren't properly studied and they were underestimated within the Gramscian corpus. Still, those works are essential in order to understand the general meaning of Quaderni's research and represent a basic headway for a depiction of Gramscian pedagogy. That's because G. outlines a process in which society makes itself into factory; this process is biopolitical and it causes an anthropological mutation. Also available on the web: (Accessed July 12, 2012)
Language ita
Names [author] Maltese, Pietro
Americanismo Fordismo
Quaderno 22
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Americanism Fordism
Quaderno 22