Visualizzati gli elementi 1051 - 1100 su 3282
Mayo, Peter
Possibilities for a Theory of Transformative Adult Education
in Freirean Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities: Projects for the New Millennium. Edited by Stanley F. Steiner... [et al.].Critical Education Practice. Volume 1417, Garland Reference Library of Social Science, New York: Falmer Press, 2000
Educazione Per Adulti; Freire, Paulo
Simms, Rupe
in Race and Society, 2000, pp. 165 - 193
Studi di caso; Religione; Neri
Garner, Roberta
Edited by Roberta Garner.
in Social theory: continuity and confrontation: a reader, Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2000, pp. 269-83
Biografia Politica Sommaria
Giroux, Henry A.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000, 197
Educazione (Pedagogia); Cultura
Green, Philip
in Isis, June, 2000, 425-26
Mosca, Gaetano; Elitismo
Gundle, Stephen
Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2000, ix, 270 (ad nomen)
Pci (Partito comunista italiano) (1943-1991); Cultura Popolare; Arci (Associazione ricreativa e culturale italiana); Cattolici; Cinema (Arte); Unità, Feste dell'; Marxismo; Resistenza; Televisione; Togliatti, P. dal 1944; Usa; Unione delle repubbliche socialiste sovietiche (Urss); Egemonia
Gunster, Shane
Jason A. Frank & John Tambornino editors.
in Vocations of Political Theory., Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000, pp. 238-62
Intellettuali Organici; Cultura; Politica, Teoria Della
Haug, Wolfgang Fritz
in Socialism and Democracy, Spring-Summer, 2000, 1-19
Filosofia della Praxis
Hefferman, Nick
London: Pluto Press, 2000
Americanismo Fordismo
Holst, John D.
Ed.D. Dissertation.
Chicago: Northern Illinois University., 2000, 203 p.
Educazione Per Adulti; Società Civile
Jenkins, Mark
in Washington Post, January 30, 2000, G.2
Musica Rap; Gartside Green; Scritti Politti; All'Estero: Gran Bretagna Galles
Joseph, Jonathan
in Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 2000, 179-202
Egemonia Struttura
Kohn, Margaret Leah
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 2000, 351 p.
Teoria Politica; Spazio Politico
Landy, Marcia
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000
Cinema (Arte)
Ransom, John S.
in Journal of Modern History, Summer, 2000, 256-58
Reeb, Gerda
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Oregon, 2000, vii, 225 p.
Prigionieri Scrittori; Havel, Vaclav; Wallach, Erica Glaser; Moro, Aldo
Robson, Terry
London & Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2000, 250
Società Civile; Community Action; Politica, Teoria Della
Sanbonmatsu, John
Gramsci, Foucault, and the Crisis of Left Intellectual Thought
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Santa Cruz, CA: University of California, 2000, 542
Socialismo; Foucault, Michel; Globalismo, Opposizione a; All'Estero: Usa
Sawchuk, Peter H.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Toronto: University of Toronto, 2000, 333
Educazione Computer; Classe Operaia
Shi, Anbin
in Social Semiotics, August, 2000, 201-10
Cina; Mao Tse Tung; Nazional-Popolare; Egemonia, Contro; Studi di caso
Sim, Stuart
London; New York: Routledge, 2000
Laclau, Ernest; Mouffe, Chantal
Lester, Jeremy
London & Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2000, viii, 208
Egemonia; Russia Vs Occidente; Politica, Teoria Della; All'Estero: Urss
Lundergan, Robert D.
Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and the Pedagogic Apparatus
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Milwaukee, WI: The University of Wisconsin, 2000, 270 p.
Educazione Multiculturale; Williams, Raymond; Nazionalismo Usa; Multiculturalismo, Stati Uniti; Cultural Studies; Burns, Ken (autore del documentario "Baseball", PBS)
Martin, James
in Journal of Modern History, Summer, 2000, 254-56
Mazzone, Dorene L.
Women Politica Prisoners and the Politics of Resistance in the United States
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 2000, 175 p.
Donne, Prigioniere Politiche; Prigionieri Scrittori
Melloan, George
in Wall Street Journal, December 19, 2000, A.21
Immigrazione; Fonte, John; All'Estero: Usa
Morera, Esteve
in Rethinking Marxism, Spring, 2000, pp. 16 - 46
Politica, Teoria Della; Modernismo; Post Moderno e Postmodernismo; Cultura
Mukherjee, Subrata - Ramaswamy, Sushila
New Delhy ; London: Thousand Oaks ; Sage Publications, 2000, 465
Biografia Generale
Naldi, Nerio
in European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, March 1, 2000, 79-114
Sraffa, Piero: Biografia; Biografia, Ordine Nuovo; Biografia, Pcdi
Cochran, Terry
Paul A. Bové, editor
in Edward Said and the work of the critic: speaking truth to power, Durham; London: Duke University Press, 2000, pp. 78-96
Lingua (e Linguistica); Cultural Studies
Coutinho, Carlos Nelson
Translated by Antonio Callari
in Rethinking Marxism, Summer, 2000, pp. 1 - 17
Volontà Generale; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Fontana, Benedetto
in Journal of the History of Ideas, April, 2000, 305-26
Egemonia; Storia Antica
Fonte, John
in Policy review, 2000, 15-32
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Le Couteur, Howard
in Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, [Australia]: 2000, pp. 25 - 40
Egemonia Australia; Colonialismo; Studi di caso
Ledwith, Margaret
in The Community Development Journal, 2000, 189-90
Boothman, Derek
in Socialism and Democracy, 2000, pp. 115 - 130
Lessico gramsciano; Traducibilità di Gramsci
McCarthy, Cameron
C.L.R. James and the Radical Postcolonial Imagination
in Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 2000, pp. 86 - 107
James, Clr; Boggs, Grace Lee; Intellettuali
deCanio, Samuel
State Autonomy in Democratic Societies
in Critical Review, 2000, pp. 215 - 236
Bieler, Andreas
a neo-Gramscian perspective
in Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 2000, pp. 215 - 230
Europea, integrazione
Morton, Adam David
A neo-Gramscian Analysis
in Barry K. Gills (Ed.) Globalisation and the Politics of Resistance, London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2000, pp. 255 - 279
Messico; Globalizzazione; Neoliberalismo
Gramsci, Antonio
Selected Writings 1916-1935
Edited by David Forgacs. New Introduction by Eric Hobsbawm
New York: New York University Press, 2000, 447
Martin, James
in Talking Politics. The Journal of the Politics Association, Winter 2000, pp. 348 - 352
Artz, Lee - Murphy, Bren Adair Ortega
Thousand Oaks ; London ; New Delhi: Sage, c2000, IX, 338
Egemonia culturale; Usa
Simms, Rupe
Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 2000, vii, 240
Religione; Afro Americani; Egemonia, Contro
Hobsbawm, Eric J.
in Gramsci, Antonio, The Gramsci reader, 2000, pp. 10 - 13
Kalyvas, Andreas
in Journal of Political Ideologies, Taylor&Francis Ltd, October, 2000, pp. 343 - 376
Schmitt, Carl; Sovranità Egemonica; Principe come Assemblea Costituente; Politica, Teoria Della
Litowitz, Douglas
in Brigham Young University Law Review, Provo: Brigham Young University, May 2000, pp. 515 - 551
Egemonia Legge; Legge; All'Estero: Usa
in International Gramsci Society Newsletter, March, 2000, pp. 26
Convegno 2000 Messico; All'Estero: America Latina; All'Estero: Cuba
Green, Marcus E.
in International Gramsci Society Newsletter, March 2000, pp. 3 - 5
Web, Siti Internet Su Gramsci; Gramscismo di Destra