Gramsci, Antonio

The Gramsci reader

Selected Writings 1916-1935
Edited by David Forgacs. New Introduction by Eric Hobsbawm
New York: New York University Press, 2000, 447

This new edition of a work originally published in 1988 culls material previously published in four English editions, as well as newly translated Italian material, from the lifelong writings of Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937.) In Gramsci's preincarceration writings, topics addressed include the status of Marxism & socialism toward the end of WWI; various educational & cultural issues in early-20th-century Italian society; the relationship between socialist democracy & the factories; the state of communism within Italy between 1919 & 1924; communism's response to fascism's emergence in Italy; political developments within the USSR; & the possibility of revolution in Italy during the mid-1920s. Issues considered in Gramsci's prison writings include relations between the structure & the superstructure, political ideologies; the concepts "war of position" & "war of maneuver"; the development & nature of the state; the notions of "passive revolution" & "Caesarism"; the influence of Fordism & Taylorism on US society & economics; the place of intellectuals; the status of grammars & of folklore; the notion of the national-popular culture & role of literature & oratory in culture; journalism; & art & literary criticism. This text contains a new Introduction by Eric Hobsbawm & 14 Chpts with Notes organized into II PARTS. 1 Glossary. J. W. Parker. Available online: The Gramsci reader (Accessed November 4, 2016)

Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Forgacs, David
[introduzione] Hobsbawm, Eric J.
Hobsbawm, Eric J.
pp. 10 - 13
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