Losurdo, Domenico

The Neoliberal Organic Crisis: Constitutional Transitions and the Collapse of the Keynesian Social Pact

fa parte di Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power , 2 , 1 , Leiden : Brill , 2022 , pp. 34 - 53
This article deals with the concept of organic crisis from a legal and a constitutional point of view and compares the different forms of constitutional transitions that have taken place in Europe and in Latin America from authoritarian regime to democracy. The reappearance of forms of neo-fascism is the result of the collapse of the Keynesian social pact, due to the ascension of neoliberal rationality, which is based on the dogmas of financial stability and hyper-competitiveness. The concrete result has been that inequality in the global distribution of wealth has reached astronomical levels. The question must be asked whether the ineptitude of the ruling classes in addressing the dramatic health and socio-economic effects of the covid-19 pandemic signify a neoliberal organic crisis.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Losurdo, Domenico
Crisi Organica
Organic crisis