Gómez Gutiérrez , Juan José

Filosofía de la praxis como crítica de la hegemonía en Antonio Gramsci

fa parte di Ideas y Valores , 67 , 166 , Bogotà , pp. 93 - 114
The paper explores the relations between hegemony and the philosophy of praxis in A. Gramsci, and examines the influence of Hegelian philosophy on these notions as set forth in the Prison Notebooks. Likewise, it studies the critique of these notions from the perspective of difference feminism and of the debate over hegemony, universality, and contingency initiated by E. Laclau, J. Butler, and S. Žižek. The conclusion is that conceiving hegemony from the perspective of the philosophy of praxis means that, according to Gramsci, political-intellectual action implies not only the formation of an alternative hegemony, but also a politically operative critique of the claim to universality of hegemonic discourse, on the basis of the unveiling of its historical contingency.
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Nomi [author] Gómez Gutiérrez , Juan José
Filosofia Della Praxis
Philosophy of praxis