Castelo, Rodrigo

Gramsci e a crítica da economia política: estudos sobre o mercado determinado

fa parte di Revista Katálysis , 23 , Florianópolis , janeiro de 2020 - abril de 2020 , pp. 122 - 131
This article analyzes the determined market in work by Antonio Gramsci, both in the Prison Notebooks and in his correspondence with Tatiana Schucht and Piero Sraffa. The study points out that this category is one of the central points of the dialectical unity among philosophy, economy, and politics in the Notebooks (the three sources of Marxism, according to Lenin), an unavoidable unit for understanding the totality of Gramscian elaborations. In this unit, the critique of the political economy has considerable significance, which is not always recognized by commentators on Gramsci's work. One of the objectives of this article is to reassess the significance of studies on economics in Gramsci's theory.
Lingua por
Nomi [author] Castelo, Rodrigo
Economia Politica
Political Economy