Bezerra, Waldez Cavalcante - Pereira , Beatriz Prado - Braga , Iara Falleiros

Estado e sociedade civil em Gramsci

Notas para discutir a institucionalização dasdemandas sociais no capitalismo e adimensão social da terapia ocupacional
fa parte di Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional , 29 , 2021 , [12 p.]
The objective of this essay was to debate the Gramscian conception of the state and civil society, in an attempt to raise theoretical elements to discuss occupational therapy in the process of institutionalizing social demands in the context of a capitalist society. For that, we resorted to texts by authors who have been dedicating to the study of Gramsci's work, which allowed a critical analysis and the perception of the peculiarity of the conception of State by this author, through the incorporation of civil society and the general determinations of his theory. In this context, it was possible to make notes on the social dimension of occupational therapy, as a profession that emerges from and for the capitalist society, with the social function of responding to the social demands from people and groups that find limitations in participating in life in society, many of them arising from the contradictions inherent from this society. We reinforce the need for ethical and political commitment of occupational therapy professionals to the collective interests of the subordinate classes, which is the main demand of professional work.
Lingua por
Nomi [author] Bezerra, Waldez Cavalcante
[author] Pereira , Beatriz Prado
[author] Braga , Iara Falleiros
Società Civile
Civil society