Salamini, Leonardo

The Sociology of political praxis

an introduction to Gramsci's theory
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 2016, IX, 258 p.
This volume analyses the philosophical nature of Gramsci's Marxism and its Hegelian source, the radical critique of the economistic tradition and the original analyses of the role of superstructures, ideology, consciousness and subjectivity in the revolutionary process. It relates the central themes of Gramsci's writings, such as hegemony, ‘historical blocs', the role of intellectuals and political praxis, to the more peripheral ones, such as science, language, literature and art. The introduction includes a brief intellectual biography of Gramsci.
Introduction. Part 1: The Philosophy of Praxis and Gramsci's Sociology 1. Marxism As An Autonomous and Independent Weltanschaung 2. The Specificity of Marxist Sociology in Gramsci's Theory Part 2: The Sociology of Political Praxis 3. The Masses and the Dynamics of History 4. The Intellectuals and the Dynamics of Historical Blocs 5. Hegemony in Marxist Theory and Praxis Part 3: Political Praxis and the Superstructures 6. Science, Political Praxis and Historicism 7. Language, Political Praxis and Historicism 8. Aesthetics, Political Praxis and Historicism. Epilogue.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Salamini, Leonardo