Pass, Jonathan

Gramsci meets emergentist materialism: Towards a neo neo-gramscian perspective on world order.

fa parte di Review of International Studies , 44 , 4 , October 2018 , pp. 595 - 618
Neo-Gramscians have made invaluable contributions to expanding traditional IR/IPE theory. Nevertheless, as the following article indicates, the ontological, epistemological, and methodological positions they adopt results in a rather one-sided interpretation of Antonio Gramsci and a partial, at times erroneous, account of the nature of the current global system. In highlighting these oversights, the neo neo-Gramscian approach presented here - rooted in a critical realist philosophy of science, specifically 'emergentist materialism', and involving a more complete reading of Gramsci - seeks to lay the basis for the elaboration of a more convincing theoretical and conceptual framework to analyse the changing dynamics of contemporary world order, without which the Coxian critical theory dream of engendering social emancipation cannot be fully realised.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Pass, Jonathan
Neo Gramscism