Bazac, Ana

Gramsci et Mounier sur « la guerre de position »

fa parte di Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations , 8 , 1 , 2011 , pp. 81 - 95
The study has three parts. The first one presents Mounier's personalism as confrontation with the most influential philosophy of the time - the philosophy of Marx. Capitalizing on the Marxist method, Mounier designed the personalist revolution as a "war of positions" to edify a humane capitalist society. Thus, he refused the "war of movement". This part is followed by an addenda-assessing personalism as a basic current for the very first work of modern Romanian philosophy. The second part approaches Gramscian humanism where the "war of position" is intrinsically linked with the "war of movement". The third part, characterizes personalism, emphasizes the limits of the "personalist revolution" underlining the importance of the theme captured in the following study in order to analyse society nowadays.
Lingua fra
Nomi [author] Bazac, Ana
Guerra Di Posizione
War of Position