De Moraes , Dênis

Comunicação, hegemonia e contra-hegemonia: a contribução teorica de Gramsci.

fa parte di Revista debates , 4 , 1 , 2010
This article emphasizes the contribution of the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci in the critical understanding of the struggles for cultural hegemony in civil society. Based on a study of Gramsci's thesis on the press, we analyze the implications of the ideological role of the media in contemporary. At the same time, according to the concept of counter-hegemony proposed by Gramsci, the paper evaluates the spaces and strategies of diffusion committed to diversity and pluralism of information.
Lingua por
Nomi [author] De Moraes , Dênis
Società Civile
Comunicazioni Di Massa
Civil society
Mass Media
Mass Communications