Drăgulin, Ioana Cristea

The evolution of the concept of hegemony in Antonio Gramsci Works

fa parte di Cogito, Multidisciplinary Research Journal , 5 , 3 , September, 2013
Abstract: In this study the author aims at carrying out a brief analysis of the evolution of the concept of hegemony in Antonio Gramsci's works. As this contribution is going to show, the Sardinian theorist took over the term hegemony from the works of Gheorghi Valentinovici Plehanov, P. Axelrod, Y. Marov, V. I. Lenin, etc. Gramsci's original contribution resided in the fact that he transformed this term into a concept that underlay his entire theoretical system regarding the Risorgimento.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Drăgulin, Ioana Cristea