Zanantoni, Mario

Nazione, patria, paese

Gramsci, Zavattini e la societa multietnica: una prospettiva di ricerca1
fa parte di Filosofia Italiana , 2 : Aracne Editrice , 2017 , pp. 163 - 177
My article aims to recall some historical-anthropological notes by Gramsci. He certainly grasped the double soul - both modern and ancient - of "Strapaese" that had a problematic relation with Fascism. It is the motif of the homeland as "country", a crucial topic of the twentieth-century modernity. Gramsci did not live enough to see the rise of a new group of young writers during the postwar period, that rediscover the "country-homeland" by portraying it as the centre of recovery, of memory and of community. It is in this democratic way of conceiving the "country - homeland" that the "strapaesana" legacy looses every fascist nuance and achieves a completely new meaning by politically positioning in the progressive area. Today, the reflection upon the national identity of Italian people takes place within a multi-ethnic society. In which research perspective could Gramsci still be helpful?
Lingua ita
Nomi [autore] Zanantoni, Mario
Nation state