Bank, Berker

Gramsci'nin Devlet ve Hegemonya Kavramlarının Kuramsal Çözümlemesi. (Theoretical Analysis of State and Hegemony Concepts of Gramsci. With English summary.)

fa parte di Journal of Social Sciences , VIII , 2 , Elazığ : Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Türkçe Eğitimi Bölümü , October 2015 , pp. 2 - 40
Gramsci made a huge contribution in the development of Marxist theory by both re-examining a series of concept set such as civil society, state, fascism, and class, which have progressed in Western Europe political intellectual history, within conventional prologue of Marxist political theory and developing the new ones instead of those aforementioned. His studies were not limited to the studies he had implemented for the solution of existing problems and the review of genuine circumstances of Italian society, and have made important developments about the review of historical blocks created by different capitalist social formations. The main research question which is the subject of this study reflects an attempt for understanding the social function of "state" and "hegemony" in respect of enabling the continuity of "historical block" which progresses based on a given social formation determined by historical conditions. In this targeted context, based on the main debate texts of Gramsci, concepts of capitalist state, hegemony, counterhegemony, war of positions are emphasized.
Lingua tur
Nomi [author] Bank, Berker