Macrine, Sheila

Essay Review of "Hegemony and Education Under Neoliberalism: Insights from Gramsci" by Peter Mayo

fa parte di Antipode - A Radical Journal of Geography , 07.2016

In his new book "Hegemony and Education Under Neoliberalism: Insights from Gramsci", Peter Mayo pays tribute to the educational influence of Antonio Gramsci, considered one of the greatest social thinkers and political theorists of the 20th century. Here, Mayo presents sound social theory, broad application and reinvention of Gramsci's ideas on hegemony, schooling and education under the mantel of neoliberalism.

Available online: Antipode (Accessed December 09, 2016)

Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Macrine, Sheila
Educazione Per Adulti
Education, Adult