Said, Ana Maria

Pensar a sociedade contemporanea : a atualidade do pensamento de Marx e Gramsci

Uberlandia: Edufu, 2014
This book is the result of an international symposium, which, taking advantage of the opportunity of the celebration of the 120 anniversary of the birth of Antonio Gramsci-great political theorist and innovative strategist - sought to bring to the scene of the political-philosophical reflection more current the challenge of thinking about contemporary society, as well as the timeliness of Marxian philosophy itself, central to the thinking of the sardinian intellectual. The studies of Marx and Gramsci win new breaths, today, around the world. The contemporary geopolitical crisis - a consequence of the development of media and technological world - makes the study of the work of these thinkers even more imperative and urgent.
Lingua por
Nomi [author] Said, Ana Maria