Schecter, Darrow

The Historical Bloc: Toward a Typology of Weak States and Contemporary Legitimation Crises

fa parte di McNally, Mark, Antonio Gramsci , 2015 , pp. 179 - 194
During the heyday of Euro-communist parties in France, Spain and especially Italy, it was commonplace to see Gramsci as the key figure of Western Marxism. Commentators including Bobbio, Femia, Buci-Glucksmann, Mouffe, Salvadori, Shoestack-Sasoon and others were thus wont to regard Gramsci as the preeminent theorist of civil society and hegemony, and the person most suited to renew political sociology within a Marxist framework. From a contemporary prespective, however, one encounters a problem in some of these accounts which has been reproduced in much of the work on Gramsci taken up recently in international relation and other disciplines.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Schecter, Darrow
Blocco Storico
Historical Bloc