Rebucini, Gianfranco

Culture, hégémonie et subjectivités. « Traductions » de Gramsci dans les sciences sociales critiques anglophones

This article examines the legacy of Gramscian thought in Anglophone social sciences. It focuses in particular on three currents or disciplines, namely Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Gender Studies. All three have sought and sometimes found in Gramscian categories a number of theoretical and political instruments through which to think the structures of domination, individual or collective subjectivity, and their relation to culture, in particular through the use of the dialectical relationship of hegemony/subalternity. Demonstrating how Gramsci was received in the intellectual and political Anglophone context, the article highlights certain genealogies which have sometimes led to what amounts to a number of fully-fledged "translations" of Gramscian concepts, but also to a series of "lighter", more distant uses. In this perspective, the article focuses on the translation of Gramsci undertaken by the New Left in the Seventies, insofar as this detour has proved of capital importance for the successive interpretations of Gramscian theories in the Anglophone social sciences.
Lingua fra
Nomi [author] Rebucini, Gianfranco
Scienze Sociali
Cultural Studies
Social Science
Cultural Studies