Bianchi, Alvaro

Gramsci interprète du Brésil

fa parte di Actuel Marx , 1 , 57 , Parigi : PUF , Octobre 2015 , pp. 96 - 111
This paper discusses the rare references to Brazil to be found in Gramsci's Quaderni del carcere, confronting them to the findings of the recent historiography, and the interpretations developed by Brazilian researchers on the basis of Gramsci's work. These interpretations are divided into three periods : a) 1960-1980, when the concept of passive revolution began to come into usage, albeit in a casual manner, to explain the genesis of the social and political forms in a country which had never witnessed a bourgeois revolution and which, at the time, was under a military dictatorship ; b) 1980-2000, a period marked by the publication of the first Brazilian studies devoted to Gramsci's thought, along with a stricter use and application of his concepts ; c) 2000 until today, a period when, drawing on these concepts, analysts have debated the nature of the Workers' Party (PT) government. The paper ends by suggesting new lines of research on passive revolution and the history of intellectuals.
Lingua fra
Nomi [author] Bianchi, Alvaro
All'Estero: Brasile
Quaderni del carcere
Rivoluzione passiva
Abroad, Brasil
Prison Notebooks
Passive Revolution