Malerba, João Paulo

Catarse e contra-hegemonia: contribuições gramscianas para a comunicação comunitária.

This paper intends to conduct a search on some theoretical concepts of Gramscian theory in order to scrutinize their relevance to the Community Communication. Beginning with the concepts of expanded state theory and civil society we discuss the centrality of culture and the ideological diffusion mechanisms for the maintenance of power in capitalist societies. By addressing Gramscian topics such as cathartic moment and must-be we seek to emphasize the political aspect - in its broad sense - and we focus on community media as a propitious environment for the occurrence of the cathartic process. Finally, we propose counter-hegemonic media as a relevant expression to characterize the so-called community media. We emphasize that this is a terminological approach with the aim to contribute to a political and open and less restrictive analysis of these eminent private apparatuses of counter-hegemony.

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(Accessed July 8, 2016)
Lingua por
Nomi [author] Malerba, João Paulo
Egemonia, Contro
Comunicazioni Di Massa