Semeraro, Giovanni

Gramsci e os movimentos populares: uma leitura a partir do caderno 25

Based on the study of Notebook 25, this text analyses the similarities and differences between the meaning that Gramsci gives to the "subaltern social groups" and the configuration of popular movements in Brazil and Latin America in these last decades. On the one hand, our attentions are focused on the contradictions and the risks to which the popular movements are exposed to, on their "casual subversiveness", weaknesses and cooptation. On the other hand, we highlight "the inestimable value of their initiatives, their "creative spirit", their peculiar political-pedagogical experiences and the design of an alternative project of society for addressing the current world-system crisis..

Available online: (Accessed July 8, 2016)

Lingua por
Nomi [author] Semeraro, Giovanni
Quaderno 25
Movimenti Sociali
Notebook 25
Social Movement