Machado, Decio

Vigencia del análisis gramsciano para el proceso político ecuatoriano

This study approaches how the so-called "citizen revolution" process, which appears as a third route facing the classic conflict between neoliberalism and popular sectors in resistance, has established a political consensus among emerging capital sectors and a variety of popular sectors, ranging from the lower middle class to the sub-proletariat. The populist dialectic of President Rafael Correa combines with a discourse of technical progress, competence and professionalization based on a "supposed" modern capitalism that gives form to the new post-neoliberal order implemented in Ecuador. It immerses society in imaginaries of progressive change. The principal beneficiaries of this process are the large economic groups of the country at the same time that an aggressive strategy of criminalization is developed for all social protest carried out in the sphere of transforming social and leftist movements.

Available on the web: Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana

(Accessed July 06, 2016)
Nomi [author] Machado, Decio
All'Estero: Ecuador
Abroad, Ecuador
Citizen Revolution
Neo liberalism