Botura de Paula Ferreira, Nathália - Da Silva Saccomani, Maria Cláudia - De Cássia Assumpção , Mariana - Duarte, Newton

O ensino da recepção estéticoliterária e a formação humana

The teaching of the reception of art works in school education and the individual's developmental process

In this article are defended the possibility and the necessity of the teaching of the reception of art works in school education. Firstly, some relations between art and the development of both the human species and the individual are analysed in Georg Lukács and Lev Vygotsky's works. In order to put in question the old assumption that opposes education and instruction, the discussion made by Gramsci on the grammatical teaching of Latin and Greek in the traditional school education is explored. In the article is concluded its path analysing the intentional and systematic formation of the reception of art works provided by school education based on Aleksei N. Leontiev's works on the appropriation process of culture by the individual.

Available online: (Accessed July 4, 2016)

Lingua por
Nomi [author] Botura de Paula Ferreira, Nathália
[author] Da Silva Saccomani, Maria Cláudia
[author] De Cássia Assumpção , Mariana
[author] Duarte, Newton
Lev Vygotsky
Educazione (Pedagogia)
György Lukács
Lev Vygotsky
György Lukács