Zene, Cosimo

Subalterns and Dalits in Gramsci and Ambedkar

A prologue to a ‘posthumous' dialogue
fa parte di The Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar. , 2013 , pp. 1 - 32
This introductory chapter sets out the rationale for the ensuing chapters and their division into different parts. It also provides an overall and comprehensive pro-logue to the Gramsci-Ambedkar encounter. Indeed, 'parallels are strong and very striking for two thinkers who are otherwise so different - in political experi-ence, philosophical background, and ideas of effective strategy' (Jon Soske, per-sonal communication). Nevertheless, the moral fabric of their human and political commitment to Dalits/subalterns brings them very close, particularly in the upholding of Gramsci's 'intellectual and moral reform' and Ambedkar's 'social and moral consciousness of society'
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Zene, Cosimo
Struttura di classe
Cultura indiana
Class Structure
Indian Culture