Gomes, Jarbas Mauricio - Arnaut de Toledo, Cézar de Alencar

Educação e hegemonia nos Quaderni del Carcere de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)

The struggle for hegemony and the action of intellectuals in the cultural formation of social groups, subjects which are the central theme of Antonio Gramsci's (1891-1937) analyses, have shown the importance of education for the consolidation of a hegemony, whether through schooling or non-school education, carried out by political parties and trade unions. The aim of this paper is to analyze the ideas underlying Gramsci's propositions on education taking as its starting point a study of the Quaderni del carcere, as it showed that the educational action undertaken by intellectual groups was impregnated by/with contradictions which influenced the development and success of the working classes in drawing up a counter hegemony.

Available online: Revista Inter-Ação (Accessed April 4, 2017)

Lingua por
Nomi [author] Gomes, Jarbas Mauricio
[author] Arnaut de Toledo, Cézar de Alencar
Coscienza di classe
Class consciousness