Buddharaska, Watcharabon

A Survey of Gramsci's Political Thought

Bangkok: Sokmmadhi, 2014, 238 p.
This book was written in Thai language and aims to systematically introduce Antonio Gramsci's political thought to Thai readers. Gramscian theories had been delivered to Thai academia for the first time in the 1980s by some radical scholars. Contrary to the scatter pieces of work on Gramsci by many Thai Marxist scholars, this book establishes itself, for the first time, as a comprehensive point of departure for those who interested in Gramsci, Gramscian political theories (both pre-prison and prison eras), and Neo-Gramscianism in International Political Economy. The book also suggests Thai readers how to think in a Gramscian ways and advocates them how to learn Gramsci's thought by their own scrutiny.
Lingua eng
Nomi [autore] Buddharaska, Watcharabon