Frosini, Fabio

Gramsci's 'Non-Contemporaneity

Reflections on Peter Thomas's The Gramscian Moment.
fa parte di Historical Materialism, vol. 22, issue 2 London; Leiden; Biggleswade: London School of Economics; Koninklijke Brill; Turpin Distribution, 2014
Peter D. Thomas's book The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism draws us to reflect on a point that Gramsci's interpreters have often neglected: the particular structure of the Prison Notebooks, i.e., the ways in which the text was constituted and, dependent on that, the fundamental methodological criteria for its interpretation. Thomas's book is a consummate synthesis between the deep and detailed study of the Notebooks text and the need to reconstruct some order within; between close historical-philosophical assessment and theoretical proposal within contemporary Marxist (and para-Marxist) debate. Consequently, this book confronts us - as Gramsci's present-day readers - with a task that no-one can face alone, but that is nonetheless extraordinarily urgent: the task of intervening in the debate within the post-modern and post-Marxist Left so that the link between Marxism and philosophy is resumed, starting out from Gramsci himself. In short: a revival of Marx through Gramsci, through - in turn - a return of the philosophy of praxis as Marxism for our own day. Available in:
Lingua eng
Nomi [autore] Frosini, Fabio