Faucci, Riccardo

Croce and Gramsci as 'economists'

fa parte di Studi economici , 65 , 100 , 2010 , pp. 91 - 115
Both Croce and Gramsci showed a remarkable interest in economics, although their conclusions were very different. The paper, which is based on a perusal of their main texts on the matter, aims at reconstructing the process of Croce's and Gramsci's approach to economics (its method, its scope, and its links with philosophy and politics), also showing some "modern" and neglected outcomes of their reflection.
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Faucci, Riccardo
Economica, Teoria
Croce, Benedetto
Sraffa, Piero
Economic theory
Croce, Benedetto
Sraffa, Piero