Müller, Denis

Le théologien, « intellectuel organique » et chercheur indépendant : quelle loyauté, quelles tensions, quelle liberté ?

fa parte di Théologiques , 14 , 1-2 , Montréal , 2006 , pp. 61 - 74
The author examines the category of organic intellectual, applied by the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci to the Catholic Church. A new interpretation of this category allows to develop a critical portrait of the theologian as ecclesial, academic and public thinker following David Tracy). The well-interpreted dependence of the theologian towards church, university and society is not contradictory to his freedom of speech and action. This freedom is a consequence of the Gospel and has a good impact in the context of a revisited modernity. The protestant tradition offers a dynamic and realistic vision of such a freedom of the theologian, understood as critical loyalty, without denying the tensions and the constraints inherent to his or her situation.
Also available on the web: http://www.erudit.org/revue/THEOLOGI/2006/v14/n1-2/014310ar.pdf (Accessed March 26, 2009)
Lingua fra
Nomi [author] Müller, Denis
Chiesa cattolica
Intellettuali Organici
Intellectuals organic