Brockmeier, Jens

"Expansives Lernen" als Lebensmetapher. In memoriam Klaus Holzkamp

fa parte di Forum Kritische Psychologie , 40 : Argument Verlag , 1999
Special issue «Gefühle/Emotionen, Gramsci».
This paper is concerned with the intellectual style of Klaus Holzkamp as it is reflected in his academic research as well as in his individual way of life. Drawing on personal experiences with Holzkamp, some of his works are examined, such as the last text, a report he wrote before he died, and an autobiographical extract from his book on learning. This extract deals with his attempt to understand the music of Schönberg. Holzkamp described this process of learning music as a paradigmatic example of what he called "expansive learning". He considered this to be an example of an intellectual and biographical attitude linked to a meaningful and self-determined life, which seemed to be not least a model of his own conduct of life ("Lebensführung").
Lingua deu
Nomi [author] Brockmeier, Jens
Holzkamp, Klaus
Holzkamp, Klaus