Godoy Do Nascimento, Claudemiro

A teoria crítica de Gramsci nas pedagogias alternativas de educaçào do campo

fa parte di Linhas criticas , 25 , July-December, 2007 , pp. 185 - 202
This article tries to reflect on the contribution of the thought of Gramsci in the elaboration and application of alternative pedagogies of education in rural areas, especially in the Training Centers in Alternation that work with the Pedagogy of Alternation in Brazil. The discussions on education in rural areas in Brazil are quite recent and for the last ten years have fortified themselves as a space for the construction of knowledge that is confirmed from the very experiences of collective subjects that construct alternative pedagogical spaces, in the Gramscian conception, counter-hegemonic to the established hegemony.
Also available on the web: http://www.fe.unb.br/linhascriticas/n25/a_teoria_critica.html (Accessed September 9, 2008)
Lingua por
Nomi [author] Godoy Do Nascimento, Claudemiro
Educazione (Pedagogia)