Gill, Stephen

Toward a Postmodern Prince? The Battle in Seattle as a Moment in the New Politics of Globalisation

fa parte di Millennium: Journal of International Studies , 29 , 1 , Spring, 2000 , pp. 131 - 140
In the new millennium a challenge for political theory is to imagine & hypothesize new forms of political agency that might lead tomore ethical & democratic political institutions & practices.The Seattle & Washington protests provide evidence for such an hypothesis, which following Machiavelli & Gramsci I call the "postmodern Prince," understood as a set of potentials in movement. The postmodern Prince is a complex, multiple, & diverse form of collective action, akin to a postmodern transnational political party. Its mobilizing myths involve human & intergenerational security on & for the planet; democratic human development; & human rights. It combines defensive & forward-looking strategies that involve a universal politics of radical (re)construction, related to four sets of globalizing contradictions. (Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Gill, Stephen
Relazioni Internazionali
International relations