Larkosh-Lenotti, Christopher

On Gramsci, 'Epistemic Interference,' and the Possibilities of Sud-Alternity

fa parte di Annali d'Italianistica , 24 , Chapel Hill, NC , 2006 , pp. 311 - 326
In this article the author examines ways of reconceptualizing the potential relationship that Gramsci proposes between subaltern groups and intellectuals, by way of the Global South, through the neologisms 'sud'-alternity or 'S-other-ness.' A critique of Spivak's selective appropriation of the term 'subaltern' leads to a exploration of various alternative means of returning to Gramsci, whether in transit or "für ewig": be it through the act of committed translation of original texts and secondary sources, approaches connected to studies in gender and sexuality (i 'generi' di Gramsci), or through the more personal politics of subject positionality implicit in migrant acts of cultural return.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Larkosh-Lenotti, Christopher