Buttigieg, Joseph A.

O método Gramsci

fa parte di Educação em foco. A Revista da Faculdade de Educação da UFJF , 5 , 1 , September 2000/February 2001 , pp. 13 - 32

The article suggests that the meaning of the notes on Achille Loria, The Cuvier bone and The sequels to the low romanticism, in the Quaderni, is not only an attack on positivism and its followers. Na analysis of the notes unveils Gramsci's concern to explain how positivism and scientificism got to influence left-wing ideas in general and Marxism in particular. It shows that the Gramsci method rejects all global theory that aims to attribute a definitive and prior meaning to the particular features of a historical moment, replacing the necessary interpretation of the infinite variety and multiplicity of facts with general schemes of causal explanation. The article still of the development of the Italian intellectual groups shows that the ascent of fascism was not responsibility of reactionary individuals (from http://www.faced.ufjf.br/).
Disponibile anche in Internet su Gramsci e o Brasil (visitato il 27 dicembre 2006)

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Nomi [author] Buttigieg, Joseph A.