Pinto de Almeida, Maria de Lourdes

Gramsci, a academia e o papel do intelectual orgânico

fa parte di Quaestio. Revista de estudos da educação , 2 , São Paulo : Universidade de Sorocaba , November, 2001 , pp. 113 - 120
To the university, Marx words is always suitable: "men are circumstances and education product; therefore, modified men are product of different circumstances; it's forgotten that the circumstances are precisely modified by men and that the educator himself needs to be educated". While an human ethical and politic action, praxis is rooted in the academic activity, in a way that the academic people are circumscribed in the superstructure, in the political conflicts field. In this perspective, Gramsci thought is essential to understand the intellectual role. Firstly, it is stood out that it enlarges the State concept of classical Marxism, demonstrating that political fight in the nowadays society happens less against the State than inside the State, which is understood as a mediation instance of classes interests instead of a mere expression of the dominant class. (from
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Nomi [author] Pinto de Almeida, Maria de Lourdes
Intellettuali Organici
Intellectuals organic