Balakrishnan, Gopal

Future Unknown

Machiavelli for the Twenty-First Century
fa parte di New Left Review , 32 , March-April, 2005 , pp. 5 - 21
To which thinkers should we turn in a bid to ground a new conceptualization of political agency-or to determine whether such a move has been nullified by the transformations of the last decades? Gopal Balakrishnan on Machiavelli's parables of innovation and readings of him from Rousseau to Schmitt, Strauss to Gramsci. The Florentine as strategist of beginning anew, in the context of historic defeat.
Also available on the web: or in pdf format (Accessed October 5, 2008)
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Balakrishnan, Gopal
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Machiavelli, Niccolò