Spanos, William V.

Cuvier's Little Bone

Joseph Buttigieg's English Edition of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
fa parte di Rethinking Marxism , 18 , 1 , 2006 , pp. 23 - 36
It was Gramsci's great historical insight that the anachronicity of the Marxist base/superstructure as model for the interpretation of lived social relations enabled him to collapse its hierarchized disciplinary structure and to retrieve the indissoluble relationality of the "fields" of knowledge production--being, the subject, culture, politics--that had hitherto been epiphenomenal to economics. The foregrounding of this relationality, as well as the exemplary philological work of editing and translating the Prison Notebooks, also constitutes Joseph Buttigieg's major contribution to Gramsci studies.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Spanos, William V.