Xavier, Roseane

Representação social e ideologia: conceitos intercambiáveis?

fa parte di Psicologia & Sociedade , 14 , 2 , Porto Alegre , July/December, 2002 , pp. 18 - 47
The subject of this article is the Theory of Social Representations. Its objective also constitutes its hypothesis: the possibility of allying the psychosocial interpretation and the sociological interpretation of Moscovici's concept, linking it with Althusser's and Gramsci's concepts of ideology and hegemony, and establishing a dialogue with Laclau and Mouffe's concept of articulatory practice. The issue that surrounds this discussion concerns the restriction of the Moscovician concept to the moment of interaction and its insufficiency in incorporating the scope of conflict and power relationships. The concepts of ideology and hegemony are also unable to recognize that many ideas, values and theories implicit in the life world are not necessarily connected to historical relations of domination, neither to the class struggle. The author argues that such concepts can be efficiently articulated provided that the concept of social representation is broadened in its cognitive and psychosocial character, and the concepts of ideology and hegemony are revised in their essentialism and determinism. The bridge between Moscovici's concept of social representation and the others is made through Althusser's notions of "general ideology", Gramsci's "theories of common sense" and the recovery of the Gramscian concept of hegemony as a discursive practice in Laclau and Mouffe's post-structuralist approach. (from SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online)
Disponibile anche in Internet (cited 27 February 2006)
Lingua por
Nomi [author] Xavier, Roseane
Scienze sociali
Social sciences