Giacaglia, Mirta

Hegemonía, concepto clave para pensar la política

fa parte di Tópicos , 10 , Santa Fé , 2002 , pp. 151 - 159
«In the middle of an epoch where the uncertainty, the insecurity and the lack of protection grow, the hegemony theory, elaborated by Gramsci and reformulated by E. Laclau and Ch. Mouffe, constitutes a nodal point to think politics. This category arises as response to a crisis that puts to the question the traditional conceptions used to explain the contingency of concrete historical forms. Society must not be understood as a closed space but as a structure which result of articulatory practices that organize and constitute the social relationships. The hegemony, then, understood as contingent articulation of elements around the concrete social agents struggles, is a valuable theoretical tool to think about our complex reality» (Red AlyC).
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Nomi [author] Giacaglia, Mirta