Semeraro, Giovanni

Anotações para uma teoria do conhecimento em Gramsci

fa parte di Revista Brasileira de Educação , 16 , January-April, 2001 , pp. 95 - 104
Texto apresentado na ANPEd (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação), na 23a Reunião Anual, em Caxambu - MG, de 24 a 28 de setembro de 2000.
«A systematized and finished theory of knowledge does not exist, indeed, in the writings of Gramsci. It is possible, however, to find in several annotations and references, precise indications and a coherent group of reflections that not just reveal a clear world conception, but a method of research and instruments that point for an intelligence of the reality that allows to the working classes to arrive to the autonomy and the hegemony. The present work, therefore, intends to evidence the original way of being intellectual experienced for Gramsci. It aims, particularly, to highlight the connection among history, politics and knowledge. In that sense, the work analyzes the conception of science, the matter of the objectivity, of the subjectivity, the peculiar way to understand the ideology and, mainly, the rethinking of the marxism as philosophy of the práxis, that is to say, "science of the dialectic or knowledge". » (Red AlyC)
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Nomi [author] Semeraro, Giovanni
Educazione (Pedagogia)