Rosengarten, Frank

Antonio Gramsci and C.L.R. James

Some Parallels and Similarities
fa parte di International Gramsci Society Newsletter , 13 , May, 2003 , pp. 19 - 27
Cf. esp. the contributions of Anthony Bogues, Grace Lee Boggs, Grant Farrad, and John R. Martin, all listed in the bibliography on p.27.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Rosengarten, Frank
James, Clr
Schwarz, Bill
Bogues, Anthony
Farrad, Grant
Urss Socialismo
McCarthy, Cameron
Nielson, Aldon
Boggs, Grace Lee
James, Clr
National popular
Schwarz, Bill
Bogues, Anthony
Farrad, Grant
Ussr socialism
McCarthy, Cameron
Nielson, Aldon
Boggs, Grace Lee