Roberts, John

Philosophizing the Everyday

The Philosophy of Praxis and the Fate of Cultural Studies
fa parte di Radical Philosophy , 98 , November-Decermber, 1999 , pp. 16 - 29
«Critiques the history of the everyday, focusing on post-Russian Revolution contexts that dramatically changed it from implying daily & contingent, to a term associated with the constantly changing circumstances surrounding cultural/social transformation & democratization.... The influence of the work of Henri Lefebre, Antonio Gramsci, Walter Benjamin, & Boris Arbatov is examined, along with that of the French situationists, Michel de Certeau, & the new cultural studies» (J. Lindroth).
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Roberts, John
Vita Quotidiana
Filosofia della Praxis
Cultural Studies
Situazionisti francesi
Daily life
Philosophy of praxis
Cultural studies
Situationists, French