Rupert, Mark

Globalising common sense: a Marxian-Gramscian (re-)vision of the politics of governance/resistance

fa parte di Review of International Studies , 29 , 1 , December, 2003 , pp. 181 - 198
"[...] My task in this article is to argue that - under historical circumstances of capitalist modernity - a dialectical understanding of class-based powers is necessary, if by no means sufficient, for understanding social powers more generally, and issues of global governance and resistance which implicate those powers. Although it is not without its tensions and limitations, I have found re-envisionings of Marxian political theory inspired by Western Marxism - and in particular by interpretations of Antonio Gramsci - to be enabling for such a project. Marxian theory provides critical leverage for understanding the structures and dynamics of capitalism, its integral if complex relationship to the modern form of state, the class-based powers it enables and the resistances these engender; and Gramsci's rich if eternally inchoate legacy suggests a conceptual vocabulary for a transformative politics in which a variety of anti-capitalist movements might coalesce in order to produce any number of future possible worlds whose very possibility is occluded by capitalism. In the present context of globalising capitalism and neo-imperialism, such resistance has taken the form of a transnational confluence of movements for global justice and peace". (from
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Rupert, Mark