Gramsci, Antonio

Note sul problema meridionale e sull'atteggiamento nei suoi confronti dei comunisti, dei socialisti e dei democratici

a cura di Francesco M. Biscione
fa parte di Critica marxista , XXVIII , 3 , May-June, 1990 , pp. 51 - 78
This is the first critical edition (with the original title) of Gramsci's "Alcuni temi della quistione meridionale." It was edited by Francesco M. Biscione. See his article «Gramsci e la "questione meridionale". Introduzione all'edizione critica del saggio del 1926,» on pp. 39-50 of this same issue of "Critica marxista". The essay was first published in 1930 in Stato operaio (Cf. #1 in this bibliography). Biscione tells us that it was afterward clandestinely distributed "in a 24-page pamphlet of small format on rice paper" (There is a copy in the Archivio centrale dello Stato in Rome). Once again it was reprinted in Rinascita, II, 2 (February, 1945), 33-42. For the history of the manuscript, cf. Biscione, pp.49-50 and p.42 of the Rinascita reprint, the comments to the first publication of 1930 (Cf. #6), and G. Liguori's remarks on the edition of 1991 (Cf. #144) [Cf. also ##24, 31, and 64]. As Biscione says, "for 15 years this essay remained Gramsci's most important legacy to culture and politics." Since 1945, the essay has been reprinted many times. The first English edition was in the anthology by Louis Marks (1957). It was entitled "The Southern Question," pp. 28-51. The material in #138 is now included in #144 and in #164.
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Biscione, Francesco M.