Gramsci, Antonio

Quattro lettere da Mosca di Gramsci e Ambrogi

a cura di Giovanni Somai
fa parte di Il Ponte , XXXIV , 9 , September, 1978 , pp. 1026 - 1051
Edited with an introduction by Giovanni Somai. Rare testimony to the work done by Gramsci as representative of the PcdI to the Comintern [From APC 1922/91]. Although signed by both, they were probably written by Ambrogi because Gramsci was sent to a clinic at the suggestion of Zinoviev. These letters were reprinted in Somai, Gramsci a Vienna (Urbino, 1979) and in an appendix to the Lettere 1908-1926 (Einaudi, 1992)
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Somai, Giovanni