Gramsci, Antonio

Lettere dal carcere

Torino: Einaudi, 1947, 260
The 1st edition of Gramsci's Lettere which was awarded the Premio Viareggio in 1947.Contains 218 letters written from 1926 to 1937.«This was published before the 1st edition of the Quaderni del carcere because the editors considered it particularly significant as a general introduction to the [other] writings." It is an incomplete edition, both because of the letters not included and because of the cuts indicated by a series of dots. The letters were censored both to eliminate 'private aspects' of Gramsci's life and to remove 'names and details of a political character' - on the basis of a perhaps exaggerated and ingenuous calculation." (M.B.). An identical edition was published by the Editori Riuniti in 1961» (M.B.).Eleventh edition, 1963. Cf. the revised and enlarged edition of 1965.
Series Opere di Antonio Gramsci, 1
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio
Recensito da
Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio
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Bigiaretti, Libero
Lettere dal carcere
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Lettere dal carcere [Review]
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Revelli, C.
Lettere dal Carcere
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