Cohen, Jean L. - Arato, Andrew

Civil Society and Political Theory

First edition, 1992. First paperback edition, 1994.Fifth printing, 1999.
Cambridge, MA & London: The MIT Press, MA & London: The MIT Press, 1999, xxi, 771
Cf. esp. «Gramsci and the Idea of Socialist Civil Society», pp. 142-59 which centers on Gramsci's thought vis à vis Hegel and Marx. The succeeding section, called «Excursus on Gramsci's Successors: Althusser, Anderson, and Bobbio» pp. 159-74, compares and contrasts Gramsci's work with those of Louis Althusser, Perry Anderson, and Norberto Bobbio as well as with frequent references to the ideas of Christine Buci-Glucksmann and Carl Boggs. There are also a number of other important references to Gramsci (ad nomen).
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Cohen, Jean L.
[author] Arato, Andrew
Politica, Teoria Della
Società Civile
Political theory
Civil society